CEREBRAL PALSY is a disorder of                                      
      movement and posture
A cerebral palsy child often canno
      carry out big movements eg walking,                                   
      running, jumping, either at all or nearly
      as well as normal children.
Fine manipulative movt using their 
      hands and fingers are also affected.
Posture ( the way we sit or stand or move ) 
      also becomes abnormal.Eg Infantile Hemiplegia - 
      stand with the foot inverted, elbow and wrist 
      bent and held across the tummy instead of keeping
      relaxed at the side of the body.
Movement is central to the science and 
      practice of Physiotherapy
Role to help the child to overcome disability
      by learning to move and function again.
To success in therapy, need to understand 
      normal and abnormal movts as these relate
      to functional performance
Movt analysis of daily activities
Techniques of movement reeducation are used to :
        = retrain normal movt control
        = increase functional performance & decrease disability.
Training motor control, increase strength and fitness and 
      promoting skill acquisition.
Functional movt reeducation is directed towards specific 
      patterns of movt  and coordination that used in daily life
      for funtional performance.
The movt of the trunk, arm and leg are important
      for functional movement

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